Guardian rangerProfil von StarcreamSoda

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Moderators Honorary animator


Profilaufrufe: 1066 Aufrufe
Mitglied seit: 27.02.2017
Zuletzt Online: Vor 44 Monaten
Online Zeit (30 Tage): 0 Minute(n)
Online Zeit (Gesamt): 925 Minute(n)
Prozent: [ Lade Benutzer Rank... ]


Benutzername: StarcreamSoda
Name: - Bitte einloggen -
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Ort: - Bitte einloggen -
Alter: - Bitte einloggen -
Toon Points: 505


What's your idea?: Video and story ideas
About Me: I'm 16 well 17 next month I make YouTube videos for peoples entertainment on the weekends
Movies like most: mlp legend of everfree
Music Like most: skrillx, and some other things
whats your favorite movies: mlp movies
whats your favorite music: non
whats your favorite pony: Rainbow dash and Applejack
favorite anime?: dont really have any
favorite cartoons: mlp, spongbob
Are you in a relationship?: No
Facebook username/name: Adagio blaze
Pokemon go name: Starcream Soda
Instagram username: Starcream_Soda
